Samsung’s 3G Blogging Cellphone, SGH-L760
You always want that you can use your mobile phone to post your blog. So, anytime and anywhere you have little free time then you can write posts and record down on your blog the very fresh idea that just flashes across your mind. This is possible by using the newly introduced Samsung’s cellphone, SGH-L760. It’s a cellphone that lets you post directly to your blog without the need of a computer.
The handset supports 3G high-speed network, equipped with a 2 Megapixel camera, Bluetooth and UMTS connectivity. Of course, it supports all the necessities for blogging such as RSS and compatibility with sites including YouTube, UBlog and Buzznet. Well, it wouldn’t be fun at all having to blog using its small screen and keypad. So, patience is a must or keep your blog post short.